There is a lot more to the position of the baby than just “head down.” Knowing the position of your baby can be key in having a successful and comfortable labor and birth. So much of what is going on during labor is the mother’s body getting the baby into an ideal position. Ask your care provider about the baby’s position, where the back of his/her head is. Positions are determined by where the back of the baby’s head is in relation to the mother’s pelvis. ROT (Right Occiupt Transverse) position is the occiput, or back of baby’s head, is on the right side of the mother’s body and transverse, or across her pelvis. ROA (Right Occiput Anterior) is the back of the baby’s head on the right side of the mother’s body, toward the mother’s front or anterior. ROP (Right Occiput Posterior) is the back of the baby’s head on the right side of the mother’s body but more towards her back, or posterior. LOT, LOA, and LOP are the same but on the left side of the mother’s pelvis. OA is the back of the baby’s head straight towards the front of the mother’s body and is the ideal position for birth as the baby gets low into the pelvis. OP is the back of the baby’s head directly in the back of the mother’s pelvis and can often be a challenging position for baby’s descent, challenging for a mother’s comfort, and common when a woman lies on her back during labor as gravity encourages this position. Positioning is very important during labor so be aware of baby’s position before labor begins and as labor progresses.