The Pushing Stage

Pushing is referred to as the second stage of labor.  For mothers delivering their first baby it is common to push for 1-3 hours.  This first baby is a “trail blazer” and works hard to make his or her way down the birth path.  If a woman chooses to have a second baby,...

Apgar Scores

The Apgar score is done at one and five minutes old and at ten minutes if necessary.  It is usually done without you even realizing it.  A nurse will assess your baby at one minute old, often just visually, and assign a score from 0-10 points.  She will do the same at...

Birth Plan? You can’t “plan” birth!

True.  The baby is the only one with a “plan” and everyone else follows along, doing their best to keep up.  Some birth professionals claim that a patient with a birth plan has a ticket straight to the O.R. for a Cesarean delivery.  Others say the patients with birth...

The Bath Tub

Using water as a relaxation or comfort technique is awesome!  Most women absolutely love it.  It has often been called “Mother Nature’s epidural” or “Aquadural.”  Some care providers will not allow their patients to use the tub as a comfort technique if her membranes...

Initial Breastfeeding

If you can imagine, being born has got to be an incredible experience.  It is the greatest transition any human will ever make during their existence on earth.  Most women today choose to breastfeed, even if it is only for the first few weeks of life.  We know that...

Who to Invite to the Birth

Check with your birthing facility, some hospitals may have rules about how many people may be in a delivery room.  A woman in labor will need to feel very comfortable emotionally and mentally.  As you consider who you may want to invite, make sure you have only...

Active Pelvic Rocking

View this video to see a comfort technique that can also help baby be in a good position.

What to take to the Facility

If you are having your baby at a hospital or birth center you will need to pack a bag.  You are welcome to take whatever will help that hospital room become your birthing environment.  As you think about what to take consider the five senses.  What do you want to see,...

Birth Stories

Women remember their birth stories.  It is an experience that will remain with her forever and one that can influence the rest of her life.  Women tend to remember a few aspects of labor or birth extremely vividly.  There are other things they may not even be aware...

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